Ways To GIVE
Give a gift in your WILL
Thank you for financially supporting the Centre for Whale Research's
work for the benefit of the Orcas.
Give a gift in your WILL
Consider a Legacy Gift
Choosing to support the Center for Whale Research with a Legacy Gift is a wonderful way to help the Southern Resident orca community after your life on earth has ended. A gift of any size will aid in the recovery of the local orca population.
And including charitable gifts in your Will, allows your Estate to potentially enjoy tax benefits, reducing or eliminating taxes payable upon your death. Of course, you can change your mind about a gift in your Will at any time.
How it works
There are a couple of ways to remember the Southern Resident orcas and the Center for Whale Research in your Will. All that is required to leave a legacy gift is a few sentences in your Will.
Leave a Portion of Your Assets
Whether you have already made a Will or not, a lawyer or notary can help you include a residual gift to the Center for Whale Research. A residual gift is a percentage of what remains of your estate or assets after other gifts and debts are paid.
Suggested Wording for a Residual Gift: “I give to the Center for Whale Research, a 501C3 non-profit organization registered in Washington State, or its successor thereto, _____ percent of the residue of my estate for its unrestricted use and purpose.”
Leave a Specific Sum of Money
You can leave the Center for Whale Research an exact amount sum of money in the form of a specific giftin your Will.
Suggested Wording for a Specific Gift:“I give to the Center for Whale Research, a 501C3 non-profit organization registered in Washington State, or its successor thereto, ______________ (written amount) for its unrestricted use and purpose.”
What You and Your Lawyer need to know
Our Legal Name: Center for Whale Research
Our Federal Tax ID Number: 91-1334319
The Center for Whale Research is a 501C3 non-profit organization registered in Washington State.
Our Address: Center for Whale Research, P.O. Box 1577, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
If you or your estate lawyer have questions about leaving a Legacy Gift to the Center for Whale Research, please contact us. Our accountant is available to assist you and your family in achieving your goals. Contact ??? at 360-???-???? or email legacygiving@whaleresearch.com
The information supplied above is not a substitute for professional legal or financial advice. Consult an attorney and your financial adviser to learn about the options that best suit you and your family's wishes, and to maximize the tax benefits of your legacy gift.

If you have already decided to include the Center for Whale Research in your Will, please let us know so that we can thank you personally for your generosity.
People who have made a Legacy Gift to the orcas’ future through the Center for Whale Research voice real satisfaction, that their forethought will have a beneficial and far-reaching impact.
“My children are aware of my intention to leave money to the Centre for Whale Research in my Will. I've told them that their legacy depends on my generation, helping to reverse the damage already done to the environment. Like we've been doing the orcas home in this area."
– Beth Davidson, WA
“I have six grandchildren who have yet to see the Southern Resident killer whales. Giving a portion of my financial resources to the Centre for Whale Research can help reverse the whales' downward spiral so that one day my grandchildren can see them flourishing."
– Jocelyn Houston, proud grandfather, CA
Our Commitment
The Center for Whale Research admires your pledge to the future of the Southern Resident orcas. Your decision to include CWR in your Will is a private matter. We promise to respect your privacy.
“I understand how important these families of orcas are to the overall health of the environment. I want to do what I can to help improve the well-being of these animals’ ocean habitat so my friends and family, everyone, has a chance to enjoy these magnificent creatures the way I have.”
– Steven Fritch, TX